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1) Reviews of JW Books
Reviews of books written by Jehovah's Witnesses.

Christian Links:

1) Answers to Jehovah's Witness
A site specializing in countering in countering Jehovah's Witnesses run by Larry Ingram.

2) Comments from the Friends
A site specializing in countering Jehovah's Witnesses. You'll find David A Reed's Bible Answers here.

3) Christian Research and Evangelism
A  site containing many articles refuting the Jehovah's Witnesses. This site is owned by Dave Sherill.

4) Jehovah's Christian Witness
A rich resource for getting materials about the Watch Tower and their publications.

5) Watchers of the Watch Tower World
A site specializing in countering Jehovah's Witnesses and owned by Free Minds Inc.

6) Watch the Tower
A site specializing in countering Jehovah's Witnesses and owned by ex- Jehovah's Witnesses

Non-Christian Links:

1) Bible Exegesis
A site defending Jehovah's Witnesses teachings.

2) Bible Students Message Board
A discussion board run by Bible Students (teachings similar to Jehovah's Witnesses).

3) Bible Translations
A site defending Jehovah's Witnesses teachings and their New World Translation.

4) In Defense of Biblical Theology
A Jehovah's Witnesses site that has a debate log between Trinitarian and JW apologists.

5) Watchtower
Official website for Jehovah's Witnesses

6) Restoration Light
A Bible Students site with many articles supporting their teachings.