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Christian Links:

1) Apologetics Index
An Index of almost every person, organisation or teaching  (Christian or non-Christian) that involves apologetics

2) Alpha & Omega Ministries
An apologetics site headed by Dr. James White. Most of his stuff are available here

3) Atlanta Christian Apologetics Project
An apologetics site where you'll find most of Rob Bowman's stuff here.

4) Christian Research Institute
An apologetics site founded by the late Walter Martin now headed by Hank Hanegraaff

5) Christian Information.com
An apologetics site that has many discussion boards for different religions and cults.

6) The Joywell Christian Apologetics
A cult countering site owned by First Assembly of God, Bosque Farms, NM.

7) Watchman Fellowship
An apologetics site with many articles of well known Christian apologists.

8) Walter Martin's Religious Infonet
Basically a resource centre for Walter Martin's materials.

9) Phil Johnson's Bookmarks
Many links to other Christian apologetics site. Phil includes an indicator to express his opinion of the site.

10) Let Us Reason
An apologetics site dealing with cults and the New Age Movement.

11) Webseeker Results for Apopogetics
I stumbled upon this directory and Wow so many apologetics site links.

12) Christian Research and Evangelism
A  site containing many articles refuting the Jehovah's Witnesses and other cults. This site is owned by Dave Sherill.